As a citizen, you have the right to initiate a complaint if you feel that you have been treated improperly by a police officer. This department encourages legitimate complaints and will thoroughly investigate all complaints received. You will be advised of the outcome of the investigation in writing by the Chief of Police. In order to properly investigate your complaint, we ask you to put it in writing. This form may be used for that purpose. Feel free to attach any additional pages or information as needed.
You have the right to make a complaint against a police officer for any improper police conduct. California law requires this agency to have a procedure to investigate citizens’ complaints. You have a right to a written description of this procedure. This agency may find after investigation that there is not enough evidence to warrant action on your complaint; even if that is the case, you have the right to make the complaint and have it investigated if you believe an officer behaved improperly. Citizen complaints and any reports or findings related to complaints must be retained by this agency for at least five years. It is against the law to make a complaint that you know to be false. If you make a complaint against an officer knowing that it is false, you can be prosecuted on a misdemeanor charge.
Enter your personal information so we may contact you directly if our investigators have any additional questions and to notify you upon completion of our investigation.
You may remain anonymous by checking the appropriate checkbox if you wish, however, we will have no means to notify you of the outcome of the investigation. If you complete this form on behalf of another, please provide your information in addition to the individual's information on whose behalf you submitting this complaint.
If this complaint Involves Rational or Identity Profiling Please indicate below all the profiling.